Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jewelry In A Mans World

If anyone ever thought that jewelry is mostly about women, they must not know their history very well. All throughout the ages many men have been just as avid jewelry wearers as women. From ancient times men adorned themselves with necklaces, bracelets and rings of all kinds.

Even back to the days of the cave man they would wear feathers bones, and rocks if need be to present themselves in a more noticeable way, and if the women cared for it fine, and if they did not, well they wore it anyway. Thank goodness fashion evolved through the years and more conventional jewelry replaced the bones and feathers, at least in most cultures. There are remote tribes in Africa and other countries that still find more primitive jewelry perfectly acceptable as well it should be, because if nothing else, jewelry is all about one's individual taste and preferences.

The more modern, fashionable men of today still prefer their own styles. It is hard, as most women know, to talk a man into wearing something, jewelry or otherwise, if he does not like it. Just as with women, there are men with more flashy taste, and men with a more subdued sense of style.

The new metro men seem to possess a little of both. They like to be a little flashy because they have carved out entirely new comfort zones for themselves and it is evidently a brave new world. On the other hand these modern metro men also can hang with the best when it comes to class and tasteful fashion. Dating back to kings and aristocrats, men have worn elegant jewelry.

Some more bold than others. Huge gold chains and gaudy large gemstone rings were extremely common among men of wealth and social status during medieval and renaissance periods. Men were not afraid of bold jewelry statements then.

There is a perfect piece of jewelry out there for every guy. Even those who are not a real stand out type would still probably want to wear a nice wristwatch or wedding band. Necklaces made simply with a small pendant with a significant meaning would likely be worn too.

Men who are a little more out going in their lifestyles and fashion choices are probably very comfortable wearing a ring with a larger diamond or other gemstone. Earrings are even common for the more adventurous man, even the older guys are wearing them to sport their sex appeal, and they probably should.

You know what they say, If you have still got, show it. Thicker necklace chains are done in many styles and are very popular with men too right now. Jewelry is a great gift to give your guy, just know which type of guy you have got, and hopefully for you he is not the bone and feather type!

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