Your store front window is a great catalyst for communication between you and your customers whether you're store is open or not. Your window display can be very effective with the use of mannequins. Mannequin displays help to convey a personal feeling to your prospective customers. A mannequin personalizes a display. People can more readily identify with the style and personality of your store if they have something tangible like a mannequin to connect with.
Use your mannequin display to create a mood in your store or front window. You can create a sporty atmosphere with the use of poseable or mechanical mannequins. For example, you can have a mannequin scoring a soccer goal. With the use of some wire, you can suspend the player in the air. Other player mannequins can communicate a feeling of desperation as they attempt to block the kick. What this accomplishes is a feeling of movement in your window. It's not the same old boring mannequin standing, facing forward, doing nothing. Suddenly you've created a really dramatic scene that attracts a lot of attention and fuels the competitive spirit of your customers.
You may want to display a feeling of high fashion, city life. Here you can really use the latest in fashion on your mannequins. You can use jewelry, sunglasses, hats and shoes to promote multiple items at one time. Be careful not to stage your mannequin just facing front and center. This could easily be passed by without being noticed. You can use mannequins facing front, of course, but it's really more effective if you have multiples to create a theme. For example, you could dress three or more mannequins, depending on the space, and line them up at a slight angle. Having them all look identical or almost identical could grab some attention.
Most of the time, you should concentrate on conveying a feeling of movement in the display. Body language can easily be imitated to portray a feeling or situation. If you're selling children's clothing, you can use child mannequins. One example of creating a situation would be to have a little boy mannequin offering a little girl a bouquet of flowers. She could have her head down, hands behind her back, and one foot turned slightly inward. This shows a very cute scene that gets the attention of parents shopping at your store. The little girl shows shyness and you can easily imagine her moving to that position when offered the bouquet. That's really what you want to concentrate on. It should be easy for onlookers to quickly imagine events leading up to whatever pose you choose.
You can use your imagination to come up with a scene that's unique to your store. Keep emotion and movement in mind as you design your display. Each mannequin should be uniquely positioned to convey a meaning or feeling to people passing by. You may even decide to move the mannequins a little bit each day to show events leading up to a grand finale. Whatever you choose, have fun with it and change your displays often. You'll keep customers interested and entertained.
Your store front window is a great catalyst for communication between you and your customers whether you're store is open or not. Your window display can be very effective with the use of mannequins.
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